Sunday, November 2, 2008

Uh, how boring was that???

I just might remove my last post. It was so Martha-Stewart-I'm-boring-and-worship-fastidiousness. Whoa, was that even a word?

Let's cut to the chase. Halloween night was just one big fat party....actually, four parties.

I made 6o Halloween bags for the kids and ended up having 69 witches and goblins and Storm Troopers knocking at my door....wonder what would have happened if I stayed home instead of going to my friend's house....Tuesday drove me and Michelle back to her house where all nine of us hung out for a bit.

Tuesday came back later to pick up me and Michelle and leave her daughter, Alex, to stay with my son and his bud. Oh, helllllll, yesssss!

We stopped at a local bar and didn't stay long. No ventilation and a funky crowd. We ended up at a cute little place that Eric plays at and had a total blast. Michelle won the costume contest while Tuesday and I screamed for her throat was sore yesterday.

I have pictures so I'll post them soon. Eric just got home from "hunting"....yeah, whatevs! He's the camp cook! He's exhausted and when he's recovered, I'll ask him to help me with the photos. Actually, I'll have him show me so I can do it all by mahself.

Watched "Paper Moon" for the first time and loved it, bitches! Tatum O'Neal deserved that Oscar but Peter Bogdonovich was definitely robbed. What a great period piece, too. The black and white really captured the feeling of the Great Depression in Kansas and Missouri. Funny, I seem to recall those places.....

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