Monday, November 24, 2008

Reigning from bed

I've been home from hospital since Thursday and am feeling better. I went days without sleep and last night was the first time I stayed asleep....for the most part.

I am restricted from doing just about anything. God, I miss showers! Washing my hair over the sink and sponge baths are primitive chores but I appreciate them so much.

Had to go to Urgent Care yesterday but all is well.

I am really happy with the surgery. I haven't actually seen myself in the mirror yet.

In the meantime, I have not been online much....this is my third time since a week ago.

Just checking in. I'll see you all later. Back to bed.

Oh, and TB is being the best little nurse. He has all this week off from school which is good because I need someone around. Mom came and did housework which meant the world to me. I love her so much.

Peace out, bitches.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I may have overreacted with my last post.

"At what level of education is required to UNDERSTAND your blog?"

Told you....not sleeping much.
I am disgusted. I know I am a good writer. I have written well....I know this. I have seen my journals from the past 34 years and said, "Damn, girl!"

But I haven't written anything that great since I started this blog. And I found out the hard way.

I submitted my URL to this "level of readability" website and found out that I have been writing at high school level. How embarrassing! I've been to college!

I'm just too occupied with life at the moment to write well.

I haven't been sleeping much. I'm anxious about upcoming events.

Will I find a job? Will my surgery be a success? Will the kitchen truly get finished before the end of the year?

Yes! Yes! Yes!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Boots and Valium

Bitches, I went back. I couldn't shake the boots off my conscience and went back to the store on Monday.

Duhhhhhhhh....what? The cashier didn't know what to do so she called the manager who told me the boots didn't set off the alarm because the white plastic "thing" was unattached.

"We can't give you the money back. You'll have to take them or give them back."

I slid the boots towards her and said, "I am bringing them back!"

"Oooohhhhh! We're not used to this!"

I was thanked for my honesty in front of a huge line of people....this took awhile....and trotted off to find the perfect boots and I did! These are fabulous Nike boots great for rain and snow. The best part? They were $90.00 and I got them for $30.00!!!

Okay, now let's get serious. I am a mad woman with a list of a thousand things to do before next Tuesday. Some of you know what I mean.

Off to the dentist to take care of two tiny my Valium so should be okay. I was drilled once without anesthesia and I it has screwed me up for life. The first time I went to my new dentist, he was taken aback by my anxiety and crappy dental work. So now I get these little pills to take before my appointments. It still freaks me out. My hair is standing up on end as I type.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Steal of the Century

I had an intense urge to go shopping yesterday and practically "stole" almost everything I bought. As it turned out, I inadvertently shoplifted a pair of boots. Allow me to elaborate.
Let's talk about my crazy bargains. I found a big Guess bag on clearance at $41.99 marked down from $135....a pair of purple suede Isotoner gloves for $6.99, down from $30.00. Here's the best one of all...get ready....a BCBG Max Azria sweater hoodie for $19.99 that was originally $138.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bought $303 worth of merchandise for a paltry $69.00 and no taxes, bitches! I love Oregon.
Here's where it got weird. I also bought a pair of boots and when I brought them home, I decided that I wasn't sure I liked them. The boots were not on the receipt and I'm trying to figure out how in the heck I walked out without setting off the alarm. A friend says not to worry about the $17.99....down from $69.00! I shrugged it off but then it occurred to me that if I keep them, does that mean I literally stole them? I would have never known had I looked at the receipt.
I want to take them back but I don't want it to look like I lifted them and my guilty conscience brought me back to the store. I mean, the alarm did not go off, right?
I also shaved $40.00 off my monthly bills. Yeah!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


What a fabulous election night! Champagne and lots of victory chants and dances. I'm going to try and figure out how to put the video of my friend and my son dancing onto this blog from my phone.

I ate something funky and I'm not going to my swim class tonight.

Eh, I don't have much enthusiasm for writing at this moment.

More later...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go out there and vote!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

This is my baby mowing the lawn last was a wet one!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Uh, how boring was that???

I just might remove my last post. It was so Martha-Stewart-I'm-boring-and-worship-fastidiousness. Whoa, was that even a word?

Let's cut to the chase. Halloween night was just one big fat party....actually, four parties.

I made 6o Halloween bags for the kids and ended up having 69 witches and goblins and Storm Troopers knocking at my door....wonder what would have happened if I stayed home instead of going to my friend's house....Tuesday drove me and Michelle back to her house where all nine of us hung out for a bit.

Tuesday came back later to pick up me and Michelle and leave her daughter, Alex, to stay with my son and his bud. Oh, helllllll, yesssss!

We stopped at a local bar and didn't stay long. No ventilation and a funky crowd. We ended up at a cute little place that Eric plays at and had a total blast. Michelle won the costume contest while Tuesday and I screamed for her throat was sore yesterday.

I have pictures so I'll post them soon. Eric just got home from "hunting"....yeah, whatevs! He's the camp cook! He's exhausted and when he's recovered, I'll ask him to help me with the photos. Actually, I'll have him show me so I can do it all by mahself.

Watched "Paper Moon" for the first time and loved it, bitches! Tatum O'Neal deserved that Oscar but Peter Bogdonovich was definitely robbed. What a great period piece, too. The black and white really captured the feeling of the Great Depression in Kansas and Missouri. Funny, I seem to recall those places.....

Weekend Warrior

I have been "applying" myself so much these days. If you know me, you know that I have an event coming up and perhaps I am nesting. Yes, that's it. I have many tasks to accompolish and I have been busy....and it feels fabulous. Just like the trees, I am changing colors and living the autumn of my life, I believe. No. I am living the Indian Summer. One of best times of the year is the day or week we might get here in Oregon. October was perfect and November is shaping up nicely with some rain but we're not getting too wet. I took down all of my Halloween decorations and kept thinking about this true fact: It takes little time to tear down a holiday. It takes much longer to set it up. I have mastered the secret, though. If things get put away decently, it's a cakewalk the rest of the time.